22/Feb/2011 02:48 Filed in:
New Products
The PerfectWave Premier P10 Power Plant takes your incoming AC power and converts it to DC, and then with patented PS Audio technology, regenerates and amplifies new sine wave perfect, high current AC power. New high current, ultra low distortion AC Power created by Power Plant technology delivers stunning performance from your audio and video components. Unique heat sink design delivers a fan less design to ensure total silence for the most discriminating listening environments.
The PerfectWave Premier 10 is the highest performing, most powerful AC regenerator ever produced. Massive current capability redefines the performance of your gear.
PowerPlay technology on board provides unprecedented control and monitoring of all your connected devices. Automatically reboot routers, modems, and network devices when Internet dropouts occur. Schedule devices to power on and off automatically optimizing power consumption in your system. Receive emails automatically when power occurrences occur, as the PerfectWave Premier P10 is automatically reacting on it’s own. All made possible by PowerPlay technology and PS Audio’s unique Globalnet Server support.
Read More...Tags: PS Audio, Power