31/Oct/2014 03:53 Filed in:
Blog | by Harry Saini
Have you ever started something you couldn’t finish because you lacked the technical know-how to follow through with the project? We’ve all been there, and back—because human beings are stubborn creatures. Rather than accepting our limitations, we continue to dive head on into the unknown abyss. While admirable in some respect, starting a project and not following through is—for all intensive purpose—a waste of resources.
Time and money are two of the most valuable assets a person can possess. One cannot exist without the other, and so we must treasure both equally. We need time to generate money, and if we squander our precious time on projects that yield zero return it would be quite a shame.
So before you start your smart home projects, keep in mind that there are a lot of things you must educate yourself about before you get your hands dirty. Some things you should consider include:
1. Do you understand the concept?
The word “smart” is often tossed around easily by consumers, but what makes something smart? Are plain LCDs and shoddy control panels enough to deem something as smart? Or, does it have to connect to a customized infrastructure capable of handling the desired functionalities? Smart home technology has to be nurtured and taught to behave in a certain way (if this than that), and we all know technology can often be nerve wrecking and stressful if not executed correctly when instead it should be intuitive.
2. The latest and greatest
Technology evolves at a blistering rate, and what works today may not work tomorrow. Are you dedicated enough to keep up with the trends constantly? Everyday consumers have priorities, and smart home professionals are well aware of that. That is why they make it their priority to stay on top of what you don’t have time for.
3. Speaking the language
You’re a brilliant physicists and you can explain the workings of quantum mechanics like Dr. Seuss, but do you speak IT? In other words, can you quickly pull up a wealth of information about smart home technology without having to pull up articles? Smart home professionals are IT professionals and/or Audio-Video Professional, so they’re adept in the art of programming and deploying hardware and software for various purposes. Of course, they can do this just like how you can explain the laws of the universe in layman’s terms.
4. Professionals save you money by not screwing up
At this point, you’re probably aware of the logic behind specialists. Fixing your own roof, and then only to have it leaking is not the ideal situation. When you start a project that ends up in shamble, you need to either double the effort or hire a professional. Either way, you’ll be spending a lot more than what you could have if you hired a profession initially. People become specialists because they want to save you time and money, not drain you of your resources.
Tags: Customer Service